the best is yet to come

“in every season, Your grace has been enough, and i’m believing the best is yet to come. the cross before me, my hope on things above, and in You Jesus, the best is yet to come.” – elevation worship, “won’t stop now” as another year comes to an end, i can’t help but look back and see … More the best is yet to come

halfway there

today as i drive away from campus for the next three weeks, i wonder where the past semester went. my first college semester, the past four months of nothing but change, is over.  and i made it. as of today, i have completed my first college semester. as of today, i am halfway done with … More halfway there

there is a cloud

anyone who knows me personally knows that elevation worship is my favorite worship band in the whole world! and after falling in love with their latest album from last year, one of my favorite songs was “there is a cloud”- the name of their album. but as much as i loved the song, i had … More there is a cloud

welcome, march!

march 1, 2018. the start of march brings the beginning of spring, showing newness of life and hope. outside is evidence that spring is coming-  warmer weather, green grass, flowers blooming. this new season also marks a newness in my life. the past two months have not been easy, but i have grown so much … More welcome, march!